Abelssoft Tagman - is reliable and straightforward app for turning your digital music collection to a database of nicely formatted tracks, that each feature accurate metatag data regarding the artist, genre or album name.
Intuitive app for processing songs and retrieving tag data
• In order to benefit from the functions of Tagman, you need to start by
selecting the tracks you want it to analyze.
• You can either choose the files you are interested in manually, or you can leave it to the app to scan your PC, locate the audio tracks and examine their tag information. Once all the files have been processed, a detailed list is generated, presenting their associated ID3 data.
Automatically or manually update ID3 info
• After you have chosen the source songs, you can just use Tagman to check against an online database and look for songs that match your own – as soon as a match is found, the correct metatag information is also retrieved. Alternatively, if you are not pleased with the automatic results, you can alter or replace the data manually, as you see fit.
• This way, your digital music collection can be neatly sorted and organized by artist, album, release year or genre, as all this data will be present in the ID3 tags. Needless to say, the info can also be interpreted by almost any player you might choose, thus making it possible for your home cinema or smartphone to display it when you play the track.
Quickly find the correct artwork for each of your songs
• A handy feature of Tagman is that it can also look for album covers and assigns them to your songs – you also get to do this manually, by selecting an image on your PC and associating it with the correct tracks.
Abelssoft Tagman 2025 11.00.rar - 29.5 MB
Abelssoft Tagman 2025 11.00 Portable