abylon LOGON - Increase security and convenience with a Windows logon hardware key. If you want to protect your computer in an effective way against unauthorized access, then the software abylon LOGON is a comfortable solution. Therefore as hardware key a chip card, a USB storage medium or a CD/DVD is learned with the Windows login data. In the future this key is sufficient for the registration at the computer. As additional protection the Windows registration can be protected optionally with an individual password or be changed automatically once daily the Windows password. To log off or spear the computer only the removal of the hardware key is necessary. Thus the computer is protected without large expenditure against curious looks and secret data theft. Functions - Automatic Windows logon with a hardware key - Supported hardware keys: USB stick, various chip cards (also RFID radio chip cards), CD/DVD - Windows login with long password without remembering and typing it - Lock or unlock computer automatically in absentia - Support of various X.509 certificate smart cards and tokens - New For users with restricted rights (normal users without admin rights), the defined card-removing-event is now evaluated again and the software reacts Download: abylon.LOGON. - 61.6 MB