ESET Uninstaller - is a tool that allows you to remove ESET products that you are not able to uninstall through normal methods. This tool performs a manual removal of ESET products that it detects on your computer. To use the uninstaller, simply download it and then double-click on ESETUninstaller.exe. This will open a black Windows that will prompt you on how to continue. ESET Uninstaller is very simple to handle since it requires minimal user intervention, you should be careful because you can end up damaging critical areas of the system. ESET Uninstaller does not require installation, so you can run it from any location on the hard drive by launching a Command Prompt window. It doesn’t leave any traces in your Windows registry. Furthermore, you can save the program to a USB flash disk or similar storage unit, in order to run it on any workstation directly without having to go through installation steps. It is recommended to start the computer in safe mode when using ESET Uninstaller. The app takes a reasonable amount of time to finish a task and, as expected, it is very light on the system resources. No error dialogs were shown in our tests, and the program did not hang or crash. All in all, ESET Uninstaller serves its purpose and delivers a straightforward way for helping you uninstall ESET products. Download: ESET.Uninstaller. - 1.0 MB