Photomatix Pro is a program for expanding the dynamic range of photography. Photomatix Pro combines any number of different frames in a high-contrast scene into a single image with details and all shadows. The program allows users to blend frames and restore local details from High Dynamic Range images created from multiple exposures. In addition to Tone Mapping, Photomatix Pro offers 6 frame blending methods, 16-bit support and batch data processing. Photomatix offers two methods for solving the problem of losing detail in dark and light areas: Exposure Blending, when several shots with different exposures are combined into one with an increased dynamic range, and Tone Mapping, when details in highlights and shadows are restored by creating an HDR image that is processed for printing or viewing. Features • Create HDR photos from multiple frames taken with different exposures. • Two methods of automatic exposure alignment. • Remove artifacts — “ghosts” from the entire image or a selected area of the image using the Selective deghosting tool. • Preset panel for displaying possible options with a preview. The panel will be automatically set horizontally or vertically depending on the image size. • Create pseudo-HDR from one RAW file. • Two methods of tone compression: Details Enhancer and Tone Compressor. • Preview of compression results when selecting parameters. • Exposure Blending. • 4 exposure blending algorithms. • Batch image processing: automatic loading, processing and saving of photos from a specified catalog. • The algorithm is optimized to economically use RAM when working with large TIFF files. Download HDRsoft Photomatix Pro 7.1.2 Beta 4.rar - 43.6 MB