PassMark Volatility Workbench - Volatility Workbench is a graphical user interface (GUI) for the Volatility tool. Volatility is a command line memory analysis and forensics tool for extracting artifacts from memory dumps. Volatility Workbench is free, open source and runs in Windows. It provides a number of advantages over the command line version including. No need of remembering command line parameters. Storage of the platform and process list with the memory dump, in a .CFG file. When a memory image is re-loaded, this saves a lot of time and eliminates the need to get process list each time. Simpler copy & paste. Simpler printing of paper copies (via right click). Simpler saving of the dumped information to a file on disk. A drop down list of available commands and a short description of what the command does. Time stamping of the commands executed. Auto-loading the first dump file found in the current folder. Support for analysing Mac and Linux memory dumps. Download: PassMark Volatility Workbench 3.0 Build - 17.3 MB