Type Pilot 3.9 [Latest]

Type Pilot

Type Pilot – is an automatic typing software that helps you to quickly type phrases in document. You just define keywords (an abbreviations) for a frequently used text snippet, phrase, sentence or paragraph.

Whenever you type one of these keywords in ANY program, Type Pilot automatically replace it with the required phrase or a paragraph.

Type Pilot works in ANY text editors: Notepad, MS Word, email clients, GMail, web browsers, HTML-editors, fill out a login-password form. Let Type Pilot handle this routine for you.

Just type in a keyword of your choice, and the software will automatically replace it with the required phrase or a paragraph.

If you type a keyword, for example: ttt3, Type Pilot will automatically insert the following sentence into your current document.

Download: XDNHV
Type.Pilot.3.9.rar – 1.6 MB

