VisualFoundation - VisualFoundation-mat foundations, combined footings, and pile caps. Get Smart Design of Concrete Footings. Engineers Rest on VisualFoundation Use this focused tool for an easier and more powerful way to model foundations. General FEA tools (like VisualAnalysis) can do a lot, but this is faster and smarter about the foundation-specific engineering. Sketch Boundaries Draw or import foundation geometry quickly. Mat (or raft) foundations are easy. Define Components Place walls, grade beams, columns, and pile supports. Powerful editing tools help you get the job done quickly. Apply Loads Easily Point and click load application that is flexible and clear. Get Stability Checks The software automatically checks for stability in each load combination. Covers Punching Shear Punching boundaries around columns or piles or walls are determined for you. Overlapped punching areas are combined and checked. Make Smart Designs Both ACI 318 and CSA A23.3 concrete checks are provided for the slab, beams and column-piers. Pile structural checks too. Building Codes & Material Specifications IBC, ASCE 7 or NBC load combinations (customizable) Concrete: ACI 318-19 or CSA A23.3-19 (also older versions) Steel Piles: AISC360-16; CSA S16-19 Wood Piles: NDS 2018 Modeling Mat foundation (raft) analysis and design. Pile cap analysis and design Complex mat boundaries, including circular and polygonal templates Generate copies of modeling elements using rectangular or circular patterns New! Use the command-line to create scripts Multiple mat thicknesses or soil properties Holes in mats Combined footings Isolated footings (QuickFooting is specific to this purpose) Wall footings Concrete walls, grade beams (for loading or stiffness) Columns (for loading, punching shear) Pile supports (steel, wood, or concrete) Pile stiffness control Automated FEA mesh generation Control mesh refinement near piers and piles Automated soil compression spring stiffness Sophisticated thick-plate finite element formulation Import & export DXF files Import & export with VisualAnalysis Loads and Load Combinations Customizable load combinations Streamlined seismic load combinations Uniform or linear area loads, rectangular or circular Circular and rectangular "ring" loads Overturning or uplift loads Column loads, axial and moments Linear beam loads Wall loads, axial and moments Stability Checks Checks for overall horizontal sliding forces Plots and checks bearing pressures Overturning checks on the footing Seismic overturning reduction per ASCE 7 12.13.4 Strength Checks Slab shear plotted and checked Column and column-group punching shear checks Wall punching shear design checks Pile support and group punching shear checks Pile capacity limits are checked for tension or compression Grade beams are checked for shear and moment Design Features Single or double layer of slab reinforcement Size each layer of slab steel Reinforcing bar patterns Specify punching shear reinforcement Design of piers (pedestals) for combined loads Structural design of piles (wood, concrete or steel) Grade-beam checks and reinforcement Pile sliding resistance may be specified Override for column or pile punching perimeter Override for minimum mat reinforcement Export to VisualAnalysis for more complicated tasks Import from VisualAnalysis includes project criteria settings and wall reactions Reporting Post-analysis statics check reports are now available Average bearing pressure value is calculated for the entire footing Full-color reporting for a professional look and easy reading Slab and grade-beam moment and shear diagrams New! Plate moment and shear diagrams Preview the report before printing Customize what items are included in the report Easy export to .xls, .docx, or .pdf file Print one-page graphic summaries Download: VisualFoundation.12.0.rar - 22.9 MB