W10Privacy - can display common Windows 10 security settings that can be activated as well as deactivated within the program. It also allows importing and exporting of your changes. While there are a lot of Windows 10 privacy tools out there, many of them lack the detail this program has. Of course, this means that it might take you a bit longer to go through your choices. For those who don’t want to go into detail you can choose from 3 predefined settings. While the design is very simple, there are also 3 colors so that you can easily spot the these 3 settings: Green - Recommended - this is a conservative mode. Yellow - Conditionally recommended - probably the best bet but look over the choices. Red - Restricted - think of this as geek mode. Better know what you're doing. Must run as administrator. Also, other similar apps don’t always have a back or set a restore point making them a bit scary. This program however does offer a save, save as and load options so you can backup and import or export your settings anytime. W10Privacy has a built in update checker and a handful of user settings as well. Download: W10Privacy - 2.4 MB