Windows TopMost Control 1.2 [Latest]

Windows TopMost Control

Windows TopMost Control – Some Windows Applications doesn’t offer an option to make itself topmost , that is to keep it above all other windows , with Windows Topmost control you can add this feature to any. There are situation that you need this feature, for example when you are monitoring a process window or you are watching a live video feed while doing something else, application doesn’t have a GUI , Once it’s running you can see the Windows TopMost Control icon in your system tray, if you right click it you can see the program Options , under Windows you will find the List of Open windows , To make any Window topmost just click on it – in menu list marked item is topmost.

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Title Release: Windows.TopMost.Control.1.2
Developer: Home Page
License: FreeWare
OS: Windows
Download: XDNHV
Windows TopMost Control 1.2 (4 MB)

